Print a plan

You can print and share a lesson or week view of your plan in a PDF format.

Lesson (Detailed) View

  1. Click the Print icon at the top-right of the page. The Print dialog appears.
  2. Select Lesson View, if necessary. Lesson View is the default.
  3. Type or select a start date.
  4. Type or select an end date.
  5. Determine whether you want to show the standards and your notes in the PDF. To show this information is the default.
  6. Use the Show Standards or Show Notes check boxes to select or clear this information from appearing in the PDF.
  7. Click Print.

The Lesson view has a four-week maximum span when you print.

Week at a Glance (High-Level) View

  1. Click the Print icon at the top-right of the page. The Print dialog appears.
  2. Select Week at a Glance.
  3. Select the week(s) you want to include in the PDF.
  4. Click Print.

You can also save the PDF to your computer and share with others by email.