Find Students and Groups

There are many ways to locate and view student and class information in Benchmark Universe. Find out about them below.

Select a class or group

You can select a class or group to view student information by clicking on a class or group name on the My Students panel. Multiple classes and groups can be selected as well. The Students List shows all students that belong to the classes and/or groups you have selected.

  1. Click the Manage Students icon on the Dashboard. The Manage Students page appears.
  2. Click a class(es) or group(s) on the My Students panel.

Click a selected class or group to cancel the selection, if necessary. Selected classes and/or groups are highlighted in a light purple color.

Search by student name

You can search for students in a class or group by using the Search Student Name box.

  1. Go the Manage Students page.
  2. Select a class(es) or group(s) on the My Students panel.
  3. Type a name in the Search Student Name box.
  4. Click the Search (Magnifying glass) icon. The results are shown on the Students list.

You can clear your search criteria by selecting the x icon in the Search bar and start a new search, if necessary.