About the Teacher's Resource System

The Teacher’s Resource System (TRS) (also known as Interactive Teacher Resources ITRS) is designed to assist teachers and other literacy professionals with curriculum implementation and contains comprehensive information about the resources and strategies that increase student achievement.

You can view the teacher resources your district has subscribed to by using the Teacher's Resource System or Interactive Teacher Resources icon on the Dashboard. Teacher resources are also integrated into My Library, eBooks, and ePlanner and may be available in these tools based on your subscription.

The Teacher's Resource System page may have a different look and feel based on your subscription. It has a series of buttons, tabs, filters, and links that enable you to navigate and view the resources.

You must have a Teacher’s Resource System subscription to view and access teacher resources.

Teacher's Resource System at a Glance

See examples below.

Use the examples above to review the Teacher's Resource System Legend.

Teachers's Resource System Legend Description
  1. Buttons and other icons

Use the buttons to access teacher resources by subscription, professional development, and for coaches and administrators.

Use the plus and minus icons to expand, collapse, and select different TRS sections.

  1. Right arrow

Use the right arrow to view and choose printing options.

  1. My Library thumbnail, TRS label, and Gear icon

Use to identify and open a teacher resource.

  1. TRS Unit Opener

Use to navigate and select other resources by week and grade from the left panel, at the top of the page or from the drop-down list.

  1. My Library Gear icon

Use to access the More Information dialog to view information about the selected material and teacher resources.

  1. More Information dialog

Use to go to Related Teacher Resources and access the material’s teacher resources.

  1. eBook Teacher Resources icon

Use to access additional Teacher Resources available for use with the eBook.

  1. Links and tabs

Use the links and tabs to navigate to other teacher resources and functions like printing.

  1. ePlanner, Open TRS link, Table of Contents and TRS links
Use the Open TRS link to open teacher resources available per lesson. Use the Table of Contents and TRS links to navigate and access other resources available for your lessons. Note: Requires an ePlanner subscription.

See Access the Teacher's Resource System for more information.