About Reports

The Benchmark Reporting Suite provides teachers with a central location to view and analyze performance data. Benchmark Reports help you evaluate the learning progress of your students so you can focus your instruction on what will help them most.

The Reporting Suite allows you to review performance at a student, class, and school level so you can easily identify trends.

Reports allow teachers to:

  • View test results for students, the whole class, or an entire grade within a school.
  • Analyze standards performance and test scores.
  • Filter assessment data by class, student, and test.
  • See a list of how each student in your class performed and how this breaks down across the tests they’ve taken.
  • Compare how students, classes, and grades have done on particular standards or tests.
  • Create groups based on standards performance to help personalize instruction.

Reports at a Glance

Reporting Legend Description
1. Report Level Selector
2. Report Category Selector

Use the tabs to select the category of report:

  • Summary
  • Usage
  • Assessments
  • Oral Reading Records
3. Context Header

Use the Context Header to find out your current reporting filter settings:

  • Student
  • Class
  • Teacher
  • Grade
  • School
  • Tests
  • Dates
4. Report Type Selector

Use the tabs to select the type of report:

  • Standards Performance
  • Test Scores
  • Single Test Analysis
  • Test Status
5. Report Detail Selector

The Report Detail Selector allows you to toggle between the following report views:

Report Type: Standards Performance

  • Overview
  • Comparison
  • Grouping
  • Average

Report Type: Test Scores

  • Overview
  • Comparison
6. Universal Selector

Use the Universal Selector to narrow your test data by:

  • Roster: Student, Class, Teacher, Grade, School
  • Test: Test Type, List of Tests
  • Date: District Term, Date Range

7. Key (Legend) tab Click to open, view, and close a legend explaining the achievement color bands used in the reports.
8. Csv. Buttons Use this button to download a spreadsheet of standards performance, test scores, or grouping data in csv. format.
9. Print Buttons Create a pdf version of a report to print or share with others.
10. Recommendations Teachers and administrators can access recommendations to reteach and reassess standards.


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