Change your password (Admin)

You can use the Profile page to change your password.

  1. Click the Profile link at the top right of any Benchmark Universe page. The Profile page appears.
  2. Go to Profile Tools.
  3. Click Change Password. A security question appears.
Contact your Technical Administrator if you do not know the response to your security question.
  1. Type your response in the Type your answer box.
  2. Click Submit. The Change Password dialog appears.
  3. Type your new password in the New Password box.
  4. Retype your new password in the Retype new password box.
The following message appears if the passwords do not match: Passwords must match. Please try again.
  1. Click Submit. The Password Changed message appears.
Districts using Single Sign On (SSO) cannot manually change their password within the BU platform because their password is set by their SSO method. Users within those districts will not see the Change Password links on the Sign-in page and Profile page.