Print an eBook (Admin)

There are two ways to print an eBook. You can print individual pages or notes.

Page or Notes Print mode

  1. Click the Print icon. The Print page appears with the Page and Notes Print options at the bottom of the page.
  2. Select Page or Notes Print mode. The Page Print mode is the default.
  3. Click Print.

Click Back to go to the eBook.

Print to PDF

There are some subscription based materials that can be printed as a PDF. This may include both teacher and student materials. Look for the Print to PDF option at the bottom of the page.

  1. Open the material; for example, eBook.
  2. Click the Print icon. The Print page appears with the Print to PDF option.
  3. Click the Print to PDF option. The PDF appears.
  4. Click the Print icon in the PDF.
If you do not see the Print to PDF option at the bottom of the page then the material is not available as a PDF. Use the Print Page or Notes mode to print individual customized or annotated pages of a material. The Print to PDF option only prints the original version. It does not print your customizations.