About the Class Overview

The Class Overview is the default page when teachers open Benchmark Digital Oral Reading Records (ORRs). You can access ORRs by clicking on the ORR icon on either the Menu or the Dashboard.

The Class Overview lists your students and displays their recent assignments. The Class Overview page also provides you with some basic statistics from students’ most recently assigned reading record. You can also access an individual student’s profile, which details their performance on their recent reading records and lets you begin a new oral reading record.

Oral Reading Records at a Glance

Oral Reading Records Legend Description

1. Class/Group Drop-down Lists

Determine which students are shown in the Student List by using the following drop-down lists.

  • Class
  • Group

Teachers with more than one class will be shown the class that comes first alphabetically by default. Teachers without any groups in their class will not see that dropdown option.

2. Practice Mode

Use the Practice Mode icon to access an area where you can try out the Oral Reading Records process. In Practice Mode, you can listen to audio of a student reading while you practice marking reading behaviors and scoring a retell. Your information is not saved in this mode. Click here to learn more.

3. Reports/References Icons

Use the Reports icon to access the Oral Reading Records Reporting suite.

Use the References icon to access a reading level conversion chart, fluency norms, and the metrics calculations used in Benchmark Digital Oral Reading Records.

4. Filter by Status toolbar

Use the Filter by Status toolbar to display only students whose most recent assignment matches a specific assignment status:

  • All Assignments (default)
  • Not Started
  • In Progress
  • Completed
  • Needs to be Graded

5. Student List

The Student List displays your students along with the following quick reference information:

  • Status – the student’s current assignment status.
  • Student – the name of the student.
  • Level – the reading level of the student’s most recent, or current, reading assignment.
  • Last Passage – the title of the student’s most recent, or current, reading assignment.
  • Accuracy – the percentage of words accurately read.
  • Proficiency – the student’s proficiency level. Learn more about proficiency levels in Assess a Reading Record.
  • Fluency – a measure of the student’s reading ability, expressed in “words correct per minute” or “wcpm”.
  • Comprehension – a measure of the student’s understanding of the text, expressed in the number of questions correctly answered.
  • Date – the date the assignment was taken.

6. Sorting Arrows

Use the sorting arrows in the header section of the Student List to change the order that your students display in the chart:

  • Student: Press the “up” arrow to display students in alphabetical order by last name. Press the “down” arrow to display students in reverse alphabetical order.
  • Level: Press the “up” arrow to order students starting with the highest reading level. Press the “down” arrow to order students starting with the lowest reading level at the top.
  • Accuracy: Press the “up” arrow to order students with the highest reading accuracy level first. Press the “down” arrow to order students with the lowest reading accuracy level first.
  • Proficiency: Press the “up” arrow to order students with the highest proficiency rating first. Press the “down” arrow to order students with the lowest proficiency rating first.
  • Fluency: Press the “up” arrow to order students with the highest fluency level first. Press the “down” arrow to order students with the lowest fluency level first.
  • Date: Press the “up” arrow to order by reading records with the earliest completion date first. Press the “down” arrow to order by reading records with the latest completion date first.


Learn more about Oral Reading Records by exploring these Help topics: